Online Professional Development

Today I have done an updated version of my Twitter for Professional Development seminar. I have now decided to focus on:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Webinars

…as the Twitter site has improved a lot, although it can still be difficult to follow chats on it, and I now find that I get a lot out of facebook and webinars in terms of professional development.

You can still find my complete introduction to using Twitter for Professional Development, although the information about Google Reader is now outdated as it no longer exists. I have started using instead.

Here is a complete recorded version of the presentation:

If you do decide to start using online professional development, I’d be interested to hear from you. I am also happy to answer any questions about it which I can.

Good luck!

15 thoughts on “Online Professional Development

  1. Thanks for this Sandy, and I’d just like to say that although I don’t have the time to follow many EFL people/sites etc. I always find the time to read or listen to what you have to say. You always seem to be succinct and to the point, you are an inspiration to us who are less active. Thanks, Lisa Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2013 07:21:41 +0000 To:


  2. Hello! I’m interested in online professional development. I’ve been following some of your advice. Now I’m eager to take part in the #elt chat. When is it live?


  3. Hai, Sandy Millan. I want information regarding alternatives available for blackboard collaborate requirements to attend OUP( oxford university press) webinars.


      1. Hai Sandy,
        Yes my question is about the software “Blackboard collaborate”. Installation of that software hinders my internet connection. Is there any alternative software for b.c., so that it will be possible to access OUP webinars.


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