This is my 100th blog post 🙂

Buenos Aires art fair
One of my #eltpics

I started my blog back in October last year, but I only wrote a couple of posts before it got forgotten. At the end of December I took part in my first #eltchat on Twiiter, then preceded to have ten days off work with no voice and a bad cough. The combination of the high from #eltchat and an almost complete lack of face-to-face contact with the world was just the motivation I needed to get both my blog and my Twitter participation off the ground. Since then, the two have been intertwined, and have changed my teaching and my life.
Through Twitter I have met an amazing international group of educators from around the world who constantly motivate and inspire me to be a better teacher. They have opened up a world of technology which have helped to shape my contact with students and extended it to outside the classroom through sites such as Edmodo. I have learnt hundreds of activities through #eltchat, a weekly conversation which I take part in as often as I can and have many times written summaries for. I am now one of the curators for #eltpics, a resource which I am hugely proud to be a part of (with Victoria, Fiona and Carol). I have got work as a follow-up to entering a competition I heard about on Twitter. I have also received a scholarship for the IATEFL conference in 2012, when my presentation will bring many of these strands together by being based on research about how to encourage students to use online materials. I am greatly looking forward to the TESOL France conference in Paris at the beginning of November when I will finally get to meet many of these fascinating people, a conference which I didn’t even know existed before joining Twitter. Lizzie Pinard has visited me in Newcastle, and I’ve Skyped with Naomi Epstein, Barbara Sakamoto, Eduardo Siemens and Ceri Jones. I’ve also written a joint post with Ceri and blogged for Barbara. Twitter has also become my staple seminar -so far I’ve introduced five groups to the site, and hopefully they won’t be the last!
On the blog front, I feel like it’s been going from strength to strengh as my confidence has built up. I particularly enjoy sharing materials and hearing how others have used them. I would like to thank everyone who has commented and retweeted my posts – this helped me to overcome the common fear that I have nothing to add to the blogosphere. Now I feel like my blog has become a place to experiment and share my experiences so that others can build on them.
To end with, here are a few facts and figures:

Thank you for all of your support, and here’s to another hundred!

9 thoughts on “100

  1. May I add my congrats on reaching your century of posts, Sandy. I think it’s just great how you’ve run with it, been involved with so many things and got so much out of your experience online. Looking forward to the next hundred =)


  2. … and infecting others with the bug! Without you I wouldn’t have started on twitter and writing a blog … but I’m glad you did. Keep up your fantastic posts and great support!


  3. Hi Sandy

    Many congratulations on your 100th post! You have achieved so much since starting your blog and are a real inspiration for other teachers to do the same. Writing a blog and being on Twitter are both life-changing experiences and you have done really well. Best of luck for the future!


  4. Congratulations, Sandy! What an achievement!
    Keep up the great work. So many people like myself are looking forward to every new post.
    I really hope to be in the front row when you give your presentation at the IATEFL 2012 conference in Glasgow!


  5. Well done Sandy!
    I remember getting into twitter and #eltchat around the same time as you, and since then you have blazed a trail!
    Your boundless enthusiasm shines through in your blog!
    Here’s to the next 100,


  6. Sandy, thank you very much for giving legs to some good ideas that I found when scratching around for this topic. I must say I was not comfortable with the day as the organisation I worked for at the time was not a player in the technology presented. I am very encouraged that teachers like you can take it forward in the way that you have. I am now working for a different institution that exploits the learning potential available. You have done a lot of valuable research on behalf of teachers that was not obvious at the time and I think that we, as teachers, should recognise the excellent contribution you have made. Thank you. sandy. I was also very unimpressed with PARK. Did you work for them? It’s clear you need to be somewhere else.

    all the best

    Niall Creaney


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